Greetings from Spockgirl Musings, where logic rules, but the frailties of
human nature, genetic inadequacies and hormonal imbalances wreak havoc.

Monday, September 19, 2011

That one thing...

The other day in a post I wrote "Sometimes one little thing can make a big difference.". Today, this story caught my eye. I've heard of a cat or a dog saving their human, but ... a ... rabbit?

Also earlier today I went over to read Thormoo's blog, and found he had posted this video yesterday. That one little thing in this personal story gives new meaning to the saying "There but for the Grace of God go I."

Not everyone has defining moments in their lives, but I would hope that everyone has that one little thing that makes a difference in their life, whether it be a nudge, a spark, an inspiration, an idea, a person, a pet, an event... anything. That one thing that makes them realize the value and worth of their life, and makes them want to live it.


DaveO said...

Added thormoo to my favorites.

Spockgirl said...

I read there because he writes in a manner in which I am unable to.

DaveO said...

Is comparing yourself to others, when you do well by your self, an attempt to measure your self against them?

Life having meaning - the Charlton Hestonesque, Titanic-scoped "Meaning" is very much over-rated.

The meaning of life is defined by One outside; and interpreted by others outside of you. You, me, anyone can not focus beyond the myopia that is self-determination/self-definition of meaning.

For a zen thought: what is the sound of one hand squeezing lemon juice into another's eyes?

Spockgirl said...

My prior comment was not a comparison, but a statement of observation, not one of relativity. I judge myself according to my own merits or lack thereof. I can appreciate the abilities of others without measuring mine against them.

I have no lofty pursuit such as the meaning of life, I simply would like to have a reason to live mine other than the fact that the alternative sucks.

Unknown said...

What about when the standards of which you measure yourself suddenly shift and you find yourself in mental purgatory? Where you're different yet those around you are the same and you find yourself wondering away from what was once acceptable? What if these new standards push away people you love because they are unable to grow with you, to that new place?

Spockgirl said...

The thing is, that the standards by which you measure yourself are your own. It is not the new standards that are pushing away those you love, it is you. Even if they are unable to grow with you, they can still accompany you on the journey, but that is something you have to decide together.